Volunteers are an essential and invaluable part of The Tyler Civic Theatre family—we simply couldn’t succeed without them. We welcome anyone interested in dedicating their time and talents to support The Tyler Civic Theatre. TCTC has a number of exciting opportunities throughout our season including front of house positions during our shows, administrative support in our offices, special events, set helpers, and outreach.
.... and ... Acting, Archivist, Board Leadership, Box Office, Concessions, Costuming , Database Management, Directing, Education, Facilities, Fund Raising, Graphics, Historian, IT Support, Kid Wrangler, Lighting, Makeup, Mailings, Maintenance, Painting, Photography, Producing, Program Production, Props, Publicity, Set Construction, Sound, Stage Crew, Stage Mananging , Telephone, Theatre "Work Days". Back of House (pre-production, sets, costumes, props, crewing, assistant producers....) should come to the 1st audition night and connect with the Director and Producer.
For more information please contact the Managing Director: managingdirector@tylercivictheatre.com
Or our Volunter Coordinator at volunteerism@tylercivictheatre.com
Set Construction for It's A Wonderful Life - 2016