Click HERE to access the Audition Registration form.

On some platforms, you can click PRINT and fill the form in and print them.Other platforms require you to download the form to your DOWNLOADs folder and open the file with Adobe Acrobat, fill that form in and print it. Or you can print a hardcopy, fill it in and bring it to the audition.

Blank forms will be at every audition.


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AUDITIONS October 14 & 15

7:00 pm at the Tyler Civic Theatre - 400 Rose Park Drive


"This is a tale that we want to believe in, that creates a world we seem to desperately desire, free of the blatant commercialism that surrounds us, where love and decency and generosity of spirit are their own rewards. What we want Christmas to be all about, really." So writes the Santa Cruz Sentinel of this most heartwarming holiday story. By chance, Kris Kringle, an old man in a retirement home, gets a job working as Santa for Macy's. Kris unleashes waves of good will with Macy's customers and the commercial world of New York City by referring parents to other stores to find exactly the toy their child has asked for. Seen as deluded and dangerous by Macy's vocational counselor, who plots to have Kris shanghaied to Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital, Kris ends up in a court competency hearing. Especially at stake is one little girl's belief in Santa. In a dramatic decision, the court confirms Kris as the true Santa, allowing Susan and countless other children to experience the joy of childhood fantasy.


TCTC seeks male and female actors of all ethnicities, ages 7 to 60+,


DOCTOR PIERCE (Either)– physician at Maplewood Home

KRIS KRINGLE (Male) – Santa Claus

BAG LADY (Female)– at Thanksgiving Day parade

RICH PERSON (Either) – at Thanksgiving Day parade

SHELLHAMMER (Either) – Mrs. Walker’s assistant

DORIS WALKER (Female) – personnel manager at Macy’s

SUSAN WALKER (Female) – Doris’ daughter, aged 7

FRED GAYLEY (Male) – a lawyer, neighbor and friend to Doris and Susan

DRUNKEN SANTA (Male) – employee of Macy’s

MACY (Either) – owner and manager of Macy’s Department Store

SAWYER (Either) – Macy’s vocational guidance counselor

BLOOMINGDALE (Either) – owner and manager of Bloomingdale’s Department Store

JUDGE HARPER (Either) – of the New York State court

FINLEY (Either) – bailiff in Judge Harper’s court

MARA (Either) – prosecuting attorney

HALLORAN (Either) – Judge Harper’s political campaign manager

DUNCAN (Either) – antelope keeper at the Central Park Zoo

MARA JR. (Either) – prosecuting attorney’s child

AL & LOU (Either) – postal employees



All auditions and rehearsals will be in person at the Tyler Civic Theatre.


Auditions for Miracle on 34th Street will be held by “cold reading,” so there’s nothing to prepare, but familiarity with the show can be helpful. The production staff is also asking that you come prepared to sing a Christmas Carol of your choice (if you’d like to be considered for a role as a caroler).


The current plan is to rehearse 4 nights per week from 6:30-8:30 PM beginning October 21st.  Adjustments may be made to the schedule according to the needs of the cast.


Production dates are December 6-8 and December 12-15, 2024. This production also includes two daytime performances (at 9:45 AM on December 10th and 11th for local school groups.)

**Please bring any known scheduling conflicts to your audition. **

If you have any questions, please contact the theatre at 903-592-0561 or via email at

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Preparing for the Audition

  • The days activities should be appropriately scheduled on the day of your audition. Be well rested and fed.
  • Pre-read the play or songs for which the audition is being held if possible. Some publishers allow you to order a script. Find the publishers name listed with the play name above.
  • Rehearse your song or monologue for the audition.
  • Be aware of your needs for script, music and musical accompaniment in singing auditions.
  • Dress appropriately for dance auditions: comfortable clothing and proper dance shoes.
  • Call backs are sometimes held after auditions for the director to check voice, look, interaction or other factors that will help in casting. Callbacks do not mean that you are going to get a part and not getting called back does not mean you are not going to get the part. It is just an opportunity for the director to check something that might not have been apparent the first time around or to check dynamics of a group or pairing.

Two forms are required before you can audition, the Audition Information Sheet and the Media Release Form.  Blank forms will be available at the Theatre, or, if you click HERE, you can print out blank forms, fill them in and bring them with you to the audition.  NOTE:  This is a 'fill-in' PDF form.  Some browsers let you fill in the form fields on the form from the browser.  Or, you can download the PDF and use a PDF reader (like Adobe Reader DC) to fill out the form on your computer and print out a nice, legible form to bring with you.

If you are cast, please fill out a medical release FORM CLICK HERE
(please print and Bring with you. it is mandatory)

Social Distancing and auditioning

The Tyler Civic Theatre Center is dedicated to the health and safety of all employees, volunteers, actors, auditioners, cast, crew, patrons and visitors.

We are practicing social distancing and the instructions from experts and our state government.

This makes auditioning complicated.  Each production has its own challenges.

Some auditions might be in social-distanced in-person.  Others might use streaming technologies like Zoom.  In other cases, the director may only want audition tapes (or other media).

There will be more specific information appended to this page for each specific audition as it becomes available.

Theater Terms

Audition. A formally arranged session for an actor to display his or her talents when seeking a role in an upcoming production of a play, film or television project, usually to a casting director, director or producers.

Blocking. In rehearsals, actors practice the required movements, in a pattern or along a path, for a given scene that allows them to avoid any awkward positions, such as one actor walking in front of another actor or standing with his or her back to the audience.

Callback. A second audition where an actor is either presented to the producer and director or, in the case of commercials, is filmed on tape again for final consideration.

Call Time. The time you are supposed to report to the set.

Cold Reading. Delivering a speech or acting a scene at an audition without having read it beforehand.

Diaphragm. The lower part of the lungs, filling the abdominal space, that supports the voice when actors and singers breathe correctly on stage.

Downstage. The area of the stage closest to the audience.

Greenroom. Where actors wait to go onstage. Not necessarily green.

Hot Sheet. A notice that comes out once a week with up to date information for actors.

Monologue. A speech used by an actor to demonstrate his or her ability at an audition.

Notes. Instructions, usually regarding changes in an actor’s blocking or performance, given after a rehearsal by the director, musical director, choreographer or stage manager.

Off-book. When an actor knows his or her lines and no longer needs to carry the script.

Props. Any moveable object, from a letter to a sword, used by an actor during a performance.

Read-through. When the director and the actors sit around a table and read through the entire script to get familiar with the story, their roles, and their fellow actors.

Stage Left. The side of the stage that is to the actor’s left as he or she faces the audience.

Stage Right. The side of the stage that is to the actor’s right as he or she faces the audience.

Strike. To remove something from a set, or tear it down.

Understudy. An actor, often playing a small role, who learns another role, so as to be able to perform it if the regular actor is ill.

Upstage. The rear area of the stage farthest from the audience; also used to describe an actor’s attempt to distract audience attention from what another actor is doing.

Tyler Civic Theatre is a community theatre, which means that the actors who perform on our stage are everyday people who have a talent and interest in the theatre. Everyone from the novice to the most seasoned actor is welcome to audition for our productions. From musicals to comedies, dramas, and children's productions, there is something for everyone. We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming audition!

AUDITIONS July 29 & 30

7:00 pm at the Tyler Civic Theatre - 400 Rose Park Drive


Adelaide Baker, a prickly southern woman, has passed away. Her oldest daughter, Piper is tasked with delivering her eulogy. As the family gathers, hilarious tales of Adelaide’s hijinks are shared. Through these memories, Piper finds a renewed appreciation for sisterhood and family.


TCTC seeks male and female actors of all ethnicities, ages 8 to 60+,


PIPER: 30s-50s, Adelaide’s eldest child (the “responsible” sibling charged with writing her prickly mother’s eulogy)

YOUNG PIPER: 8-16, (appears in flashbacks)

WENDY: 30s-50s, Adelaide’s middle child ( Sarcastic and witty - doesn’t take much seriously)

YOUNG WENDY: 8-16, (appears in flashbacks)

TOBY: 30s-50s, Adelaide’s youngest child (The baby of the family - used to being taken care of)

YOUNG TOBY: 8-16, (appears in flashbacks)

ELDERLY ADELAIDE: 70s-90s (appears in flashbacks) (somewhat hard and bitter woman - her personality is also laced with humor)

MIDDLE AGED ADELAIDE: 20s-40s (appears in flashbacks)

YOUNG ADELAIDE: 8-13 (appears in flashbacks)

IMOGENE: 30s-70s, Adelaide’s former sitter (No nonsense, a straight shooter)

PREACHER JIM: 50s-70s (an old friend of the family)

COUSIN JUNE: 30s - 50s (fun loving and unlucky in love - on husband #7, at least)

AUNT HELEN: 60s-90s, Adelaide’s sister (Has a penchant for appalling desserts and an adversarial relationship with her sister,Betty)

AUNT BETTY: 60s-90s, Adelaide’s sister (The mother of Cousin Rick and a foil for her sister, Helen.)

YOUNG BETTY: 8-13 (appears in flashbacks)

COUSIN RICK: 30s - 50s (a smarmy aspiring politician)

MISS LORNA: 70s-90s, retired piano teacher (retired piano teacher, kindly and very nearsighted)


All auditions and rehearsals will be in person at the Tyler Civic Theatre.


Auditions for The Eulogy will be held by “cold reading,” so there’s nothing to prepare, but familiarity with the show can be helpful.


The current plan is to rehearse 4 nights per week from 6:30-8:30 PM beginning August 5th.  Adjustments may be made to the schedule according to the needs of the cast.


Production dates are September 12-15, 2024.

**Please bring any known scheduling conflicts to your audition. **

If you have any questions, please contact the theatre at 903-592-0561 or via email at